I am still very much loving being home again. Each day brings new joys in just doing the simple things, cooking, baking, sweeping, even doing dishes. Who knew you could enjoy the simple drudgery of being a housewife? Each day brings new joy in providing meals, and a clean place to live. Needless to say the teenager is enjoying the meal part.
Today's Ponderings:
Proverbs 31:18 She perceives that her merchandise is good- And her lamp does not go out by night.
This one is simple and until recently I don't think I really got it. She finds great comfort in her labors and she spends time into the night providing for her family. Do you find joy in your work as a wife and mom? How often are we discontent in our work and feel like we deserve "me" time away from all this stuff you have to do each day? The Lord calls us to be content in every day and what it brings. What can you do today to provide for your family and be content in what you do? Self-less servant hood is what it is all about ladies. No where does it say that we should take time for ourselves. But that we should be providing for our families.
Today's Doings:
~trying to decide what to bake next, everything sounds good so have to reign myself in here but want to make something.
~ Laundry
~cuddle time with my doggy (still really enjoying his addition to our family)
~ cuddle time with my Cabinet Maker tomorrow will be our 17th Anniversary! I can't believe we are have been together so long, yet it feels like a lifetime!