Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Build your Strength

The first 24 hours of a new dog in our house has been a lot of fun!  We have learned he knows a few tricks and loves to burrow under blankets.  After making my bed 3 times yesterday I gave up, every time I turned my back he was under the blankets making a mess out of the bed. 

Cabinet Maker is busy making cabinets for a custom kitchen and is loving every minute of what he is doing.  Teenager is busy at school and currently enjoying reading books for literature on his kindle.  The addition of 2 kindles to the house hold have been wonderful, both Teenager and I love to read and it saves a ton of time in library trips and the library we are near is tiny.  So the vast amount that we have at our fingertips to read is awesome too. 

Today's Doings:

~ Various chores to keep the house organized and clean
~ Bath for the new doggy(this has since been done, he doesn't mind the bath but hates to be toweled off)
~ I want to bake something but no idea what yet so many things to choose from
~ Trying to decide on my dinner plans again so many things to choose from and just can't decide I will let you know later via twitter what I decide on
~ Praise and worship with my Lord, I plan on blasting the music and just focusing on HIM
~Practice the Bass guitar with Art tonight, a friend is letting me borrow his so I can get some practice in
~ Post a menu here of my previous shopping on $70 or less a week

Today's Ponderings:
Proverbs 31:17
She girds herself with strength, And strengthens her arms.

How often do we wallow in self-pity for our situation?  Bills you can't afford to pay, groceries you can't afford to buy, a house that is a disaster, you know all the mundane annoyances of life.  We should be spending time in Father building up our strength and focusing on being strong to get things done the best way possible for our families.  Are you building your strength every day?  Do you spend time in the word with Father every day?  Do you worship and praise HIM every day?  Are you letting the Joy of the Lord be your strength?  Are you content in what you do have so that you can build up your family in HIS strength? 

Today work on the Joy of the Lord being your strength.  Do something that will strengthen your family in the Lord.  Go the extra mile to have an area of the house clean, organized and cheerful that your husband has been complaining about.  Sit down with your child and do the craft project or make the batch of cookies your family would like to have.  Have dinner ready, the kitchen organized form making dinner and the table set for your husband tonight.  After dinner just sit and relax doing something he likes to do.  Make your day about being a Servant to all in your home. 

 Today's Stuck in your head Praise:

If you want to be great in God's kingdom learn to be a servant of all
If you want to be great in God's kingdom learn to be a servant of all
Learn to be a servant of all
Learn to be a servant of all
If you want to be great in God's kingdom learn to be a servant of all

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So yesterday was a cool day in my house.  I have been wanting a dog since we got back, our fuzzball is staying with my mother-in-law, he is well loved and now at home there.  But I really miss having a dog, so I had started to look online but hadn't found the type of dog I wanted yet.  I say I wanted, but Cabinet Maker wanted a little buddy again too almost as bad if not worse then I did.  So.... anyway yesterday Cabinet Maker went looking online himself and found the type of dog we were looking for!  So off we went and got him, his name is Barnabas (which means God is our Comforter).  We call him Barney.  He spent a wrestles night but no accidents or issues yet.  He is a little skittish till he gets to know you but loving after that. 

Today's Doings:

~Shopping for a few more dog toys and treats
~Enjoy my time with Teenager not sure what we are going to do yet
~Speak with a missionary regarding pre-field Congo questions
~ Chicken Fajitas for dinner with black beans over brown rice
~Playing with the new doggie
~Watching some more Rough Science on Netflix with Cabinet Maker tonight (we really like this show)

Today's Ponderings:

Proverbs 21:16
She considers a field and buys it: From her profits she plants a vineyard. 

How often do we consider what will be profitable to the family and then turn around and try and make it grow into more of a profit or benefit for your family? 
I don’t mean making our family more money.  I mean how often do you consider what you do for your family?  How often does what you consider profit your family?  Take some time, sit down and write out all the things you should be doing for your family each day. Now how many of them are you doing?  How many do you do, with benefit of your family in mind?  Just think on this for a few days and we will come back to this.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Homespun Once again

Wow it has been a long time since my last post.  When I started this blog I intended to keep up with it a few days a week.  However the Lord had other plans for a season in our lives.  So here is a brief recap of why I have been gone so long.

As you know I was babysitting one day a week for 5 little red heads.  Well the mother of these little blessings is a Physicians Assistant for a Doctor near us, and she was in need of a Nanny for about 3 weeks and asked if I would be willing to fill in.   I started there feeling very blessed for the few weeks of full time pay.  After a week or so the mother asked me to stay on full time. Cabinet Maker and I spent a bit of time in prayer over this, it would be a huge change for our family.  I had been home for almost the last 10 years taking care of the family and our home.  But after much prayer, discussion and organizing strategies we decided that with Cabinet maker not working much that I should take the position.

 I started this position knowing it would be a very dark place to work.  I also knew that me being the one working full time was going to be a huge change and adjustment for all of us.  I started working October 25th and learned very quickly that I was the only very outnumbered in belief's as well as discipline.  It took a few weeks to settle in but the children started to respond and discipline was starting to be learned.  I have to say it has been a tough few months.  Trying to sit and do a bible study in the midst of swearing and an over all feeling of the world has been interesting.  Learning that I can not always be at home for Cabinet Maker and Teenager, I couldn't be the one preparing meals, or keeping things clean was tough for me.  But the Lord and a good friend kept me going.

So yesterday morning as I was getting ready to leave I spoke with Cabinet Maker regarding my prayers of wanting to be back at home.  Not 20 minutes later I went into work and found out I no longer have a job!  It was for the benefit of the kids for them to be put in a full time school/daycare program verses being in the home. The Lord provided a way for me to be back at home!! Cabinet Maker is in the middle of building some custom kitchen cabinets.  He has work for the month of February and we hope possibly in March.  Then he will be back to work with my father in the spring. 

I plan to start posting regularly again starting on Monday.  Over the next few days I need to get my house back in order. While Cabinet Maker and Teenager will very helpful in keeping things picked up and dishes done there was a lot of dust and grime to get rid of!  Yesterday when I got back home I enjoyed my time sweeping, mopping, making some laundry soap and some cookies.  Once my home is back in order I will once again start the process of helping you to keep yours in order. 

I really have missed you all and missed being homespun!

Today's Hum along: (oh heck with the hummimg sing it out)

Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise Him in the morning, Praise Him in the noon time
Praise Him Praise Him till the break of dawn!

Love Him.......
Serve Him...
Share Him....