Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So yesterday was a cool day in my house.  I have been wanting a dog since we got back, our fuzzball is staying with my mother-in-law, he is well loved and now at home there.  But I really miss having a dog, so I had started to look online but hadn't found the type of dog I wanted yet.  I say I wanted, but Cabinet Maker wanted a little buddy again too almost as bad if not worse then I did.  So.... anyway yesterday Cabinet Maker went looking online himself and found the type of dog we were looking for!  So off we went and got him, his name is Barnabas (which means God is our Comforter).  We call him Barney.  He spent a wrestles night but no accidents or issues yet.  He is a little skittish till he gets to know you but loving after that. 

Today's Doings:

~Shopping for a few more dog toys and treats
~Enjoy my time with Teenager not sure what we are going to do yet
~Speak with a missionary regarding pre-field Congo questions
~ Chicken Fajitas for dinner with black beans over brown rice
~Playing with the new doggie
~Watching some more Rough Science on Netflix with Cabinet Maker tonight (we really like this show)

Today's Ponderings:

Proverbs 21:16
She considers a field and buys it: From her profits she plants a vineyard. 

How often do we consider what will be profitable to the family and then turn around and try and make it grow into more of a profit or benefit for your family? 
I don’t mean making our family more money.  I mean how often do you consider what you do for your family?  How often does what you consider profit your family?  Take some time, sit down and write out all the things you should be doing for your family each day. Now how many of them are you doing?  How many do you do, with benefit of your family in mind?  Just think on this for a few days and we will come back to this.

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