I have been busy once again. The little red-heads' mom had to work a few extra days over the last few weeks, which means I was working too. The days spent with them are full of homeschooling, sewing, crochet teaching, wood stacking, snowball throwing, campfire building, diaper changing (eww), puppy chasing and baby chasing. Lots of fun to be had, lots of naps needed (maybe I was the only one needing one) and lots of kleenex being needed. So of course they all had bad colds when I started the extra days and by the second week I had one as well, which of course turns in to a bronchial thing for me, sigh. But I am starting to be on the mend and getting my house back in order.
We went out and got a new to us car this weekend and I am sitting here waiting for the Cabinet Maker to get home with it. A 2002 Grand Prix SE, in girly terms it is a sparkly maroon sporty car. I like it! If you want the technical stuff don't ask me. We traded in our current car and the Lord blessed us with a really good deal on it. So Teenager will now have more leg room and Cabinet Maker is happy with a non-family looking car.
I have been sewing a bit lately, I was asked to make clothes for a couple of friends going to a Ugly Disco, which means I was wrist deep in ugly polyester for a couple of weeks. But they turned out great if you could get past the big collars and cuffs.
Proverbs 31:19
She stretches out her hands to the disstaff; and her hand holds the spindle. Ok first a disstaff is what they used to spin wool onto and the spindle is how they would turn it into thread. She isn't afraid to reach in there and get her hands dirty so to speak. She teaches those in her household how to work by example, not by doing things for them but by doing things with them. Are you teaching your children how to work? Or do you clean their rooms, and pick up their toys? Are you going outside and helping your husband chop wood, or shovel the driveway? Or is FB your constant companion?
Think about how you can show your children even the little tiny ones how to be good stewards of what they have and how to take care of it. Help your husband with whatever you can show your children and your husband that you aren't afraid to jump right in.
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