Thursday, August 25, 2011

Reboot Day 1

2 posts in less then 24 hours, yeah don't expect that on a regular basis. 

Ok Reboot Day one:  Went to the farm market this morning and got my veggies, then to wegmans to get the rest of my juice ingredients.  Wegmans had a blood pressure screening thing so I did that.  The news was very bad.  My results came up as Hypertensive, I am only 35!! This is just one more reason to stick with this diet.

Day one weigh in: 200
Blood Pressure: 130/80

Those are not good scores.  I need to get those down to healthy levels so I can enjoy my husband and son. 

I had a friend mention C25k.  Now I am not big on running, but this sounds like a great thing to add to what I am already doing.  She is in TX and me here in NY so this should be a fun way to encourage and keep each other going.  I am not sure I will ever actually participate in a marathon but if I am healthy enough to then that would be great. 

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