Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yard Sale Score!

This weekend has been relaxing and hectic all at the same time.  Friday start with out well pump going, so we had no water a good portion of the day.

Saturday started good, went to a local huge yard sale and scored big time on lots of stuff. 
Yogurt maker, Belgian waffle maker, canner, more with less cook book, 5 books for Teenager, work out pants and 2 sweaters for me.  All for less then $8!

Then I was off to the CSA market once again to get more green beans, cabbage, kale, and onions.  I came back home hoping to prep the beans for freezing, and the power went out! No power = no water, so that put that to a stop. The rest of the afternoon was for reading and taking a short nap. 

Cabinet Maker had a gig about an hour from us, so I went with him and went shopping while he played.  I got a pretty turquoise sweater (yes it isn't pink or purple) and some sneakers. 

I start the C25K tomorrow morning.  As well as add a meal onto the Reboot.  So that will be Breakfast and Lunch each day just homemade veggie juice.  I am feeling a bit less yucky from my UTI last week and hope this slow transition to a full Reboot will be easy to stick with and less of a shock to my body.

I pray your weekends were safe from hurricane Irene and hope that your areas all recover quickly.

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