Thursday, September 2, 2010


Homespun Scarlet, huh?  What's up with the name?  I have prayed over this idea for some time and many people ask me for my recipes and homemaking ideas etc.  So I sat down and was trying to think of a name for a blog.  I am a homemaker but that just doesn't describe what we do as wives and moms.  So my son walks by and one of his vocabulary words was homespun (a cool word meaning from scratch or home made), it really describes what we do we have to start from nothing at times to create something beautiful and fruitful. Scarlet, because of Proverbs 31:21 She is not afraid of snow for her household, For all her household is clothed with scarlet.  We as wives have the job of budgeting what we have and expanding and providing everything our family needs from what the Lord blesses us with.  I hope this will become a way to encourage and teach one another (Titus 2:3-5).  If you have any suggestions or questions post a comment and get a discussion going. 

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