Friday, October 22, 2010

Self-less Servant hood

Yesterday was a nice day.  Got up made a big breakfast for my guys, breakfast burritos with spicy sausage, peppers, onions, homefries and eggs.  Topped off with salsa and sour cream.  I only had a piece of toast till dinner time I was so full!  Then off to my favorite store, Lantz's for a cup of peppermint tea with our room mate, and some shopping for goodies!  Back home to make pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting, 2 loaves of bread and some bagels.  Then because I got some goodies at Lantz's I made some homemade granola with sliced almonds, crazins, raisins brown sugar and cinnamon.  It is so good and will be nice to have over the next few days, if it lasts that long.  Then dinner was alfredo egg noodles with chicken and broccoli.  Needless to say my kitchen was a disaster by 8 last night.  But I was a good homemaker and got it all washed before I went to bed. I am still full I only had half a bagel for breakfast. 

Today's Doings:

~ Lunch for my dad and the Cabinet Maker in the crockpot, they are putting up the trusses on the pole barn today.
~Off to work at my moms again.
~ Get a new toaster while I'm out our toaster oven bit the dust today, very sad now I have to get a plain old toaster.
~Back here to pack up the boy-o he is going to spend the night with Cabinet Makers mom
~ Date night with Cabinet Maker!! Maybe we will actually get to spend some time together tonight!


Proverbs 31:15  She also rises while it is yet night, And provides food for her household, and a portion for her maidservants. 

 Yup this really does mean it is our responsibility to get up before our husbands, and children and servants if you have them (don't I wish), and prepare the morning meal for them.  And no this doesn't mean you throw a box of cereal at them or a breakfast bar.  Not that those are bad but how much more could you do for them if you got up first and had everything ready to make the start of their day better?  I know as a wife and a mom that, mornings are not my favorite time to go make a mess in my kitchen. But I have found that a nice relaxing meal for my family in the morning makes not only their day better but mine as well.  When I get us and actually prepare things for my family, I am showing that I really care and support them and love them too.  While I do this prep work I am also praying for them and their day where ever it might lead them.  I know that not everyone is a breakfast person, but could you be up making that fresh cup of coffee (if you are lucky you have one of those push a button put in the sealed cup thingys and there you go you're done).  Could you be sending a small snack for them even if they eat lunch out, or even some muffins or cookies to share with co-workers?  Preparing for your family with a self-less attitude is the best way to start everyone's day!

Challenge for the next week:

I am giving you three days to prepare here so get thinking and planning!  Get up before your husband and children and have something out on the table ready for them when they wake-up. No matter how tired you are get yourself up and have a smile on your face when they come down.  Make them that fresh cup of coffee, try out a new homemade cappichino recipe, or fresh muffins or even a re-heated muffin from Dunkin just something that you have a hand in setting out for them. 

Now put a post it in their lunch box or on the steering wheel of the car just letting them know our appreciation for all they do and provide for us and how much we love them and will miss them.  Remember men like to feel needed and want to be noticed for all they do.  Just see the change in their attitude after a week!  Now don't forget to pray as you do each little task!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Merchant Ship? I'm not that big!

Hello all!  I pray that you have had or are having a wonderful week.  I now have a real teen in my house here after known as boy-o.  We had the final party on Saturday, and now I can relax a little, HA! like that will ever really happen.  This week we are all back to our "normal" routines, whatever that means.  Cabinet Maker is on the last of the whole house remodel, he has a barn to build next week and a bathroom to do.  Last night we got another call, from my baby sister and her and her husband, they would like him to come and some drywalling.  We are praying about a kitchen cabinet build and a remodel on a lake house for the winter.  At this point it is just Trust in the Lord and being Faithful in the fact we know He wants us where we are. 

Today's Doings:

~Devotions, obviously
~Off to the city to purchase a computer for a client (looks like I am back in the computer set-up/training people how to use them business)
~Working at my mom's
~back home to make spaghetti with my homemade sauce, meatballs and texas toast (if I have time it will be homemade pasts too)
~Relax with my Cabinet Maker even if I have to duct tape him to a chair away from the pole barn!

Today's Ponderings:
Proverbs 31:14  She is like the merchant ships, She brings food from afar.

Remember it says like, you are not that big!  This is just simply talking about you go out and find the best for your family.  You don't just grab what is easy and simple.  You search out what your family needs to be fed with.  How often do you just grab what is easy for breakfast or dinner?  Searching out what is nutritious for your family is just as important as the act of sitting down to eat as a family.  Do you spend time planning out what your family is going to eat?  Do you go out and find all the best ingredients?  Now this doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune to get the best organic whatever to eat (read my previous post on my shopping list).  How often do we just do what is easy, head down to dollar general get a box instant mac & cheese or ramin noodles and throw it on the table?  Some days that is all you can manage but is it the norm? 

Lets take some extra time this week to get homemade prepared with your own hands meals.  Even breakfast doesn't have to consist of cereal every day. 

Have a beautiful day in the Lord!

 Song on loop in my head:
FAITHFUL (Don Colburn)

Faithful, I will trust You
You are faithful, I will follow You
Never changing, always loving
You are Faithful almighty God.

Time after time, You have been for me
A shelter from the storm, and from my enemies
Your mercy flows each morning
Your forgiveness heals my soul
And in Your presence I am made whole

I know not many of you will know this as it was written by a worship leader friend of ours.  But if you would like to learn it just ask next time you see me, I will teach it to you. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Flax and wool what do I do with those?

Thank you for such a great response on the Shopping post.  I will be posting menu ideas based on my list, hopefully sometime this week, we will see what happens. 

My bagels turned out tasting great, looking horrible.  I need to get a couple of cookie cutters to make this easier.  I also found a recipe online for pumpkin latte's they were a very  nice yummy treat for us last night. 

Today's Doings:
~Work at my moms, cleaning outside, yuck I am going to freeze!
~Home to relax
~Try to figure out what to do for dinner tonight, nothing sounds good today.


Proverbs 31:13  She seeks wool and flax, And willingly works with her hands.

Wool and flax are not something we deal with much any more.  The idea behind these, is that as a wife you try and look for what your family needs, and are willing to dig in to accomplish that, even if you have to make things with your own hands. 

How often do we not doing something cause you don't want to put the effort into it?  Many of us need to really be careful how we provide for our families, and a bit more effort goes into what we do have to do.  To be a virtuous and praised wife we need to be putting in that effort.  How does what we do look in our husbands eyes?  Are we putting in the effort?  Or are we reading lots of books, playing on facebook too often (I so need to be careful I don't do this), or just plain not wanting to get our hands dirty?

Go into your kitchen today and make an extra effort, clean out one cupboard, clean out the fridge, make a special treat for your family (and make sure there is some left when you husband gets home from work).  Put extra effort into all you do today!

Remember/hum/sing loudly: 
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye all ye lands!!

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek

You are my all in all

Seeking you as a precious jewel
Lord to give up I'd be a fool

You are my all in all

Jesus, precious lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, precious, lamb of God
Worth is Your name

Taking my sin my cross my shame
Rising again I bless Your name

You are my all in all

When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup

You are my all in all

Monday, October 11, 2010

Shop on less then $70 a week for a family of 4? Yup it's possible

A lot of people have asked me how we can do it with just one income, a self-employed income at that. Well let me tell you it is not easy, or even fun some days, but the Lord continually provides.  He has also given me the ability/hobby of loving to find the best deals and make things from scratch. 

First you need to be organized about your shopping.  I do my main shopping just once a month and I buy milk and fresh veggies to supplement weekly.  It takes planning and a really good list. 

Here is a typical shopping list for my family (there are 3 adults living here and one teenager that eats double what everyone else does, we also have people over (or take food there) at least 2 times a week.

Flour 25 lbs./ $8
Sugar 10 lbs./ $5
Salt        $2
Yeast    $5
Spices  $5
Cheese Sliced  3/$6
Cheddar Cheese 6/$12
Mozzarella Cheese 3/$6
Pasta      6/$6
Ground Beef  3 lbs./$10 (I usually buy the cheap chubs)
Ground Turkey 5 lbs./$10 (again I buy the chubs for $2 each)
Toilet Paper (12 count Scott) 1 pkg. $6
Paper Towel 1/$2
Bar Soap 3/$3
Tuna 8/$5
Peanut Butter 2/$3
Frozen Veggies 5/$5
Canned Veggies 10/$5
Potatoes 10 lbs./$5
Veggie Oil $3
Margarine 2/$3
Cream Cheese 4/$4
Yogurt 4/$5
Chicken $6
Milk 4/$8
Fresh Veggies $20
Meat (roasts, stew meat) $20
Personal Products (shampoo etc.) $3
Dried Beans $3
Rice $3
Medicine Cabinet Items $5
Tortilla Shells 2/$2
Packet Seasonings $3
Baking Extras (pumpkin, chocolate chips etc..) $10
Canned goods stock up (above and beyond what you need each month) $20
Candy (just a little is nice to have) $5
Household Cleaning supplies to include white vinegar, baking soda, cider vinegar, borax, dish soap etc $12

That leave me usually with about $40 left over for whatever else I may need in the month. 

You will notice I don't have laundry soap on there and I spend very little on shampoo.. that's because I make my own.  It costs me a total of about $5 a month for what I use in cleaning supplies, however I am really paranoid about running out so there is always a bit extra around here, which means at some point I may take a month or two off from buying stuff and just put that money towards stock up on other things.  You will also notice there are no bread products listed, I make my own, hence the need for so much flour each month. 

I have also invested in flour sack towels which I use for everything except draining oil from fried foods and washing my windows, that is what the paper towels are for.  Cloth napkins at the dinner table, cut down on the paper towel usage too. 

To have this little of cost put into our food with all the people that I feed each month I tend to make lots of casseroles.  They are cheap, filling and easy to make and people really like them for the most part.  I also make bigger batches of things when I make them, and freeze leftovers.  That way if I have a night that is too crazy or just don't feel well, we still stick to our budget because there is just something to heat in the microwave instead of ordering out. 

I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any more questions or want more information on how we do it!

Relaxing Monday

I had the day off to spend at home, just being a wife and mom! I love when unexpected blessing come my way.  After party #1 was finished I even had enough energy to clean up, so today is all about just relaxing, well and laundry that I am so far behind on with all the doings the last week. 

Today's Doings:

~Experiment for a bagel recipe
~Italian meatloaf for dinner
~Phase 3 of super secret mission


Proverbs 31:12  She does him [her husband] good and not evil.  All the days of her life

How much good do you do for your husband, every day?  Not just cook him dinner, but real true good, every day?  Are you doing evil?  Do you argue, not complete that which you know you should, are you praying for your husband surrounding your home in prayer and worship, every day? 

How often do we just get tired and loose our motivation to get everything done each day, I understand that if you work a job outside of the home, it isn't possible to do "everything".  Heck even if you do stay home it isn't always possible to do it all everyday.  But are the days that you do get doing good done, more than the days that you don't? 

If you aren't praying for your husband, children, home and surrounding it in God's love through you, are you allowing evil into your home?  Beyond your set aside prayer time are you filling your home so that it is a direct reflection of God's character? 

We are told to not do evil but good, what does good look like in your family?


How can you better organize your time so you are spending less time at the computer, watching tv, reading books, just plain being busy with non-wife duties?  How can you find that one extra thing to do for your husband today?  Get out a time incrimented schedule, I can suggest one you can download if you need, and write down all you need to do in a day and all you want to do in a day.  What time does your husband get up each day, now get up with him and make him that cup of coffee or toast.  If it is cold pizza get it out for him put it on a plate, with a can of Dew next to it.  And sit with him even if you don't say a word just show him love by being next to him.  Makes is lunch, send him on his way with a kiss and a time of prayer to start his day off.  Ask how you can pray for him while he is at work.  Now time to get the kids up and going? Do so with a smile and loving words.  Turn the start of your day into a blessing instead of a fight.  

Now schedule out the rest of your day from shower to bible study, facebook, dishes, laundry EVERYTHING!  Now that you have everything written down, follow it for a few days.  Make changes till you find a schedule that works for you.  Make sure to schedule about a half hour to relax before the children come home, that way you can have a moment of peace before chaos descends.  Next schedule about 15 minuets to change into non food stained, or sweat pants into something your husband would like to see you in, for me that is jeans that are clean and a nice shirt. Greet him with a kiss and keep the kids from bombarding him.  Don't bombard him with everything that went wrong in your day yet.  Let him readjust to being home, I know you want to share your day but he needs quiet time to get back into the swing of home life not work life.

Try it might just work for you!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Level 1 Reveal

I am so excited today!!!  Our room mate and I got all the painting of walls and furniture done yesterday.  Today soon to be teen comes back and gets to see stage one of all that has been going on.  I can't wait to see his face!  Needless to say I am a bit tired and a little sore this morning from all of that painting.

I will post some pictures of everything that I have been doing, as soon as the boy has seen it all and I can get his reaction!

Today's Doings:

Vacuum boyo's room, and get everything back in place and looking clean and organized (until he gets back home at least)
Catch up on dishes from yesterday and laundry
Make some bread and start on all the cupcakes needed for Sunday's bday party with part of the family [Not only is boyos bday next Friday my brothers is tomorrow and the same brothers wife shares a bday with my boy]  So lots of baking to do
Hopefully get in a hike it is going to be 70 today!


Proverbs 31:11
The hear of her husband safely trust her; So he will have no lack of gain.

How much trust does your husband have in you, to do everything in your home with out asking?  I am not fond of dishes or folding laundry, there I said it, I am not a perfect housewife.  How much more smoothly would your life be if you just did everything that was expected of you as a wife before being asked.  How much faith in your would your husband have, how many less tense discussions would there be?  How many more moments of peace would your house hold have? 

We really need to work on being content and trustworthy wives.  Get the housework done, go that extra inch to make your home a haven.  Go on over to
and check out some of her ideas in making your home a haven for your family.  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Prayer in the face of business

How often do you feel like there is not enough time to spend quality time with your Father, and time in prayer each day?  I know we can pray while doing the dishes, or checking facebook.  But I mean real, quality focused on the Father only, worship and prayer.  How about that physical blessing or gift of kindness I was talking about a while back?  I have spent the last month crocheting a prayer shawl for a dear friend (darn forgot to take a picture).  I am not telling you this to say, Hey look at what I did, this means I spent the month, small snippets of time here and there, in prayer not only for the friend that received it, but just worshiping my Heavenly Father.  This is what I did, as you start the gift, no matter what it is, spend about 10 minutes in prayer for the friend you are making it for each time you pick it up to do something on it.  Whatever remaining minutes, were spent in worship for all our Father does for us.  For me this means cranking up the worship music and just fellowshipping with my Lord.  I do this sort of thing on any project I make for someone else, curtains, baby blankets, dish cloths, whatever.  Pray for the recipient.  If it is for my own home use then I pray for those in my home a little extra that day, not the normal prayers of protection or blessing but real deep down and heartfelt prayers on whatever they may need at the time. 

My prayer time this week is focused on my soon to be 13 year old, no more pre-teen in the house after next Friday, sigh, I am not old enough to have a teenager, just to clear up any confusion.  I have been deep into a super secret mission for him over the last month and am putting the finishing touches on it this week.  I made a whirlwind trip to VA and back a couple of weeks ago with our room mate, to pick up his 65 lbs. of legos that a short term missionary offered to bring back from Congo with him.  Now I am painting his room and furniture a color he wishes we would let him paint his room in.  Then we are finishing up our walk out attic which is just off his room, so that all the legos can go in there as a separate play area.  Now, this is all a secret remember.  He thinks it will be another month or so before we can even get the legos, and that the attic is missing flooring, and it's way too dark to see, and his dresser is ugly, and walls have holes...... you get the point.  He hasn't been a happy kid for a bit he really misses his legos, which is the only toy he owns.  So needless to say he is going to be really surprised and happy.  THANK YOU to all the family members who have "decided out of the blue" to take Michael for the last couple of weeks off and on so I can get all this done. 


Proverbs 31:10
Who can find a virtuous wife?  Her worth is far above rubies.   

How do we become a virtuous wife?   Virtuous= good, righteous, worthy, honorable, moral , honest...
What do you do to reflect those characteristics each day?  So that your worth can be so valued by your Heavenly Father and your husband. 

Today's challenge:

Beyond fuller prayer time is what can you do today to be set apart and honoring to your husband? 

Today's Doings:

WORSHIP AND PRAYER while painting all day long
Yup that will be my day!